

主演:乔希·托马斯  黛博拉·劳伦斯  大卫·罗伯茨  韦德·布里格斯  汉纳·盖茨比  




请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.1请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.2请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.3请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.4请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.5请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.6请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.13请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.14请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.15请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.16请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.17请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.18请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.19请喜欢我第一季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-05 19:50


  本剧由澳大利亚著名喜剧演员乔什·托马斯自编自演。  Josh(乔希·托马斯 Josh Thomas 饰)本来只有一个有点宅+腼腆的20出头小年轻,有个交情非常好的死党,一个漂亮的女朋友,日子过得也算幸福。不料突然有一天,女朋友跟Josh提出分手。更让他吃惊的是,女朋友竟然跟Josh说他其实个同性恋。虽然有些失落,但是Josh并不显得那么伤心,第一次开始怀疑自己的性取向。接着Josh遇到了呆萌的Geoffrey,还真的就喜欢上了男生。Josh希望带Geoffrey回家和家人出柜,可偏偏姑妈是个虔诚的天主教徒、老妈有吞药的习惯、老爸另结新欢。Josh到底会不会收获幸福?


 1 ) Mourn

hello everyone,and,as most of you probably know,my aunty Peg Margaret.

was quite...she quite likeed to control things that happened and this is no exception.

So she's written her own eulogy for me to read out.

"I've been going to church every Sunday for my enitre life.

For the first 60 years it was because I believed in heaven.

I was terrified of dying,of becoming nothing.

I don't think I believe in heaven anymore.

but,after 60 years of Sunday mornings,I thought I may as well commit and hedge my bets.

Also,I quite enjoyed the morning tea.

I've requested to be buried,because I want my body to be given to nature.I want it to be

snacked on by plants and animals,the way I have snacked on plants and animals througout my


My family,Rose and Josh,aren't ideal.

Rose has pretty much been a kook her whole life,and Josh has decided to become a homosexual.

But they're all I've got.

The two of them have taught me the most important lesson of my life,and that is that you

don't love the people you love because they do what you want,but because of who they are.

If you're hearing this sorry little speech,it's because I'm dead,and the terrible thing

about that,is that I won't be sharing my life with the two people I love most in the world,

my almost-daughter Rose and my almost-grandson Josh."

I think that was her being nice,although honestly I'm not sure.

"Don't make too much fuss over my death.I finished all the good parts of my life a couple of

decades ago.I'm looking forward to joining my husband Walter,whether it be in heaven or hell,

or in the bellies of maggots."

 2 ) 请喜欢我:爱所能治愈的有限生活

常常在同志片中,会把身份认同当成人生最大的障碍。而另一些同志片,则止步于同志之间的恋爱交友,似乎完全与社会或其它社群区隔。《请喜欢我》标志以“同志家庭”,但它并没有旧时期充满撕裂与对抗的沉重感,同志和他们的亲人朋友都是一样。 在这里,每个人都有各自的隐痛。主人公Josh的母亲,因为丈夫出轨而离婚,却难以独自生活,患上抑郁症,自杀未遂。Josh不得不常常陪伴她,并送她去精神病院治疗。在那里,她认识了一个患有焦虑症的女友,她邀请女友一同生活,但女友也离开了她。 Josh的父亲对妻子十分愧疚,想要照顾她,却不得不顾及女朋友Mae的感受。Mae是个有口音的泰国人,和Josh的父亲十分恩爱,也融入了他和前妻、儿子的家庭关系中,却拒绝了他的求婚,并坦承自己在孕期出轨。 Josh的两个好友Tom和Claire,曾经相爱,却陷溺在各自不断失败的恋情中,难以找到生活的方向。而Josh和第一个男友Geoffrey的恋情,始于Geoffrey的父亲被抓进监狱,终于Geoffrey父亲的过世。因为母亲的关系,Josh与第二个男友Arnold在精神病院相识,他们打打闹闹,一起唱歌跳舞,但在感情升温的同时,却也终于两人不断加深的敏感和不安全感。 当亲友死去,编剧用了一整集讲述Josh和母亲单独远足,互相开解。而在故事的最后,当Josh和他母亲都失去了亲密伴侣。编剧又用了一整集,描述Josh和他的父母一起吃了一顿昂贵的晚餐,每道精美的菜肴充满生活的情趣。Josh的母亲随后自杀死去,Josh卖掉了母亲的房子,和父亲一起看新房时,Josh告诉父亲,其实母亲还对他存有爱意。

失意的人生,和短暂的快乐。谨慎安排的死亡,或毫无预兆的离去。故事巧妙地把它对痛苦的关切,转换为一副轻松诙谐的生活喜剧—— Josh的性别觉醒,始于一次关于“19澳元圣代”的分手; Josh养了一只叫Adale的鸡,当他们把这只鸡杀掉炖汤吃,一群人手握着手围着汤锅唱《Someone Like You》; 室友Tom和女友的兔子死去,他们把它葬在土里,种上小花,念诵悼词。处于青春期的女友想到自己的人生,愤而与Tom分手; Josh和一夜情对象Ben通话,两人永远通不上电话,只能不断互留语音,直到Ben进行一场危险的手术; Josh、Arnold和Tom一起嗑药,因美好的幻觉而情不自禁唱歌跳舞,并遇到了一个可爱的女孩,一同在深夜的大街奔跑。乐极生悲,Tom摔断了胳膊。在医院,女孩说,“你知道分手后你的心脏会有生理疼痛吗?因为你的身体不知道发生了什么,你的身体不知道跟人分手了,它只是判断你一定有麻烦了,中毒什么的,就像‘这家伙刚吃了一个毒苹果,心脏跳快点,我们得有点反应’。” 人际关系的异常,常常是生理和精神疾病的导火索,人们付出努力去爱去关怀,仍然有许多阴差阳错的无奈。譬如Josh的父母,Josh和男友,Tom和Claire。但是,就像片头每每舞动着的做饭场景,美食和爱伴随着生活的乐趣,不会因为忧郁变少或变多。人们没有理由歧视病人,就像没有理由歧视同性恋者。这是他们的生活,而非他们刻意为之。 有人说它是“治愈剧”,有人说它是“致郁剧”。当Josh与Geoffrey重逢,Geoffrey决心自我提升、做真实的自己,Josh则反问,你怎么知道做真实的自己就一定会是提升呢。也许我们活得并不美满,也许过了几十年我们也不能努力奋进成为“人生赢家”,但是,Please Like Me(请喜欢我)。

 3 ) SMH: The reluctant activist stands up for himself

The reluctant activist stands up for himself

Giles Hardie
Apr 13, 2013

Josh Thomas has become an accidental icon for the gay community.

Josh Thomas is back doing stand-up. It's a relaxing change for the comedian, as he has finally stepped off the promotional circuit for Please Like Me, his first foray into writing and acting for television, and a show that has helped him become an accidental icon for the gay community.

On Monday he will appear in the Sydney Comedy Festival gala after a month-long run at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
"If I do the whole month [of comedy] then no one can take me to a different city," he says with relief.

"I get a whole month at home and I can just hang out with my dog and my chickens."

But it wasn't quite a perfect escape. On April Fool's Day he was flown to Sydney to appear on the ABC's Q&A on a panel that otherwise sounds like the perfect set-up for a joke: an archbishop, an imam, a Buddhist nun and a Jewish atheist. He soon found himself the presumed spokesman for homosexuality and atheism on topics ranging from gay marriage to creationism.

"It was such a divisive show, where you've got religious leaders that dedicate their life to the conversation we had, but to me it's a hobby," Thomas said.

He was also the default target for the religious leaders' comments on homosexuality.

"They were offensive," he said. "Like: gays are sinners. An imam compared gays to alcoholics. [The archbishop said] I was a warp in God's plan.

"It was just a bamboozling hour really, because I'm an atheist. So my response to everything everybody says is 'oh that's nonsense, that has no basis in reality'."

Thomas had agreed to appear on the show as an artist, hoping to provide an "everyman" opinion, but found himself berated on social media for not going on the attack.

"A lot of atheists were like, 'You represented us badly.' And I was like, 'Oh no, I don't represent atheists. I didn't represent you in the way I didn't represent people who don't do ballet. We're not a team.'"
It's not the only community now embracing Thomas. Though not quite biographical, Please Like Me, the show he wrote and starred in on ABC2, featured a central character, Josh, who came out at the start of the first episode.

"Since that show happened, gays have sort of realised that I'm gay," Thomas said.

"I don't get invited to do things during Mardi Gras or to talk at rallies. They always get Ruby Rose. They don't realise I'm a homo. Which is good. I often think with gayness, it's enough I have to deal with homophobia - do I really have to spend my weekends going on about it?"

His position is possibly best expressed through his approach to the development of the show.

"We had these meetings with the ABC where they'd talk about how we're dealing with homosexuality. I was like, 'That's just my life. I haven't thought about how my life plays out as a political statement.'"

The show had no gay themes to begin with, for one very simple reason. "Well, we started writing it when I was straight," Thomas said.

Once Thomas came out, so did his character Josh, and it was the ABC that pushed for the script to deal with the issue. "It became one of the over-arching themes, which I didn't really want, to be honest …

''I had such a dull coming out experience. I didn't know how interesting it was to straight people."

While the show didn't set ratings records, ranking 215th in its first week, it was critically well received. Thomas was happy with the numbers. "It tripled the ABC2 time slot," he said. "It's really popular overseas. My Tumblrs and my Twitter now has a lot of Spanish."
Having pitched a second series, Thomas is relying on DVD sales "so we can give the ABC some money back - and then hopefully they will make it again."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/comedy/the-reluctant-activist-stands-up-for-himself-20130420-2i6u1.html#ixzz2RBqGCmIH

 4 ) 有花堪折直须折

上班时间的罅隙,看完了一季的澳剧《Please Like Me》。很短,六集,且每集只有二十多分钟,这样算下来,全篇加起来也不过三个小时,真的只看了一下午就看完了。第一次看澳剧,没想到却很是惊艳。这不到三个小时的过程中,很温馨也很惬意,没有大悲大喜,但泪点和笑点都很丰富,消磨时间都能让人通体舒畅。

其实在一部六集的电视剧中,本篇的人物已经算很多了,但没想到编剧竟能把每个人物都表现丰满,不得不承认他是一个才华横溢的人,Josh Thomas。据说他还是主演之一,那个夹着胳膊一扭一扭“Josh”的扮演者。




 5 ) Thoughts kept to myself

This is life. Life can be shit sometimes. No need to sugar coat it. I really like Aunt Peggie. And you may not be ready for growing up and taking responsibilities. Every character is so lovely yet has obvious minor defects at the same time. (Except for Tom's ex, she really is quite an annoying character without any lovable tracts) And Sometimes you met a gorgeous person but still you cannot get it right. Geoffrey is so gorgeous and handsome OMG. On the other hand he seems to be too pushing. It freaks people out especially Josh who is immature and not ready. Clearly Josh is not ready for a mature relationship, yet Geoffrey is craving for one. So it's not strange that things didn't work out for them.

 6 ) Sun Herald: Is Josh Thomas's show too gay for ABC1?

Is Josh Thomas's show too gay for ABC1?

Colin Vickery & Darren Devlyn From: National Features February 27, 2013 8:18AM

IS Please Like Me too gay? That is what Josh Thomas is asking as he prepares for the debut of his new TV comedy.

Please Like Me was originally set to screen on ABC1 last year but has been shunted into digital channel ABC2.

Thomas plays twentysomething Josh who lives with best mate Thomas (Thomas Ward) and, at first, is in a steady relationship with girlfriend Claire (Caitlin Stasey).

Claire splits with Josh, telling him that he is obviously gay. His despair is short-lived when young hunk Geoffrey (Wade Briggs) enters the scene.

Geoffrey wants to get physical with Josh. Cue lots of man-on-man kissing, bed scenes, and jokes about sex.

Later, Josh is forced to move back into the family home after his divorced mum Rose (Debra Lawrence) overdoses.

Please Like Me has a sweetness that sets it apart from other boundary-pushing comedies such as Chris Lilley's Angry Boys and Summer Heights High which happily found a home on ABC1.

The ABC insists the gay content isn't the reason Please Like Me was shunted to ABC2, where it is sure to attract a smaller audience.

"The tone of Please Like Me and the issues discussed are principally aimed at an audience in their early 20s," an ABC spokesperson says.

"Since ABC1 is largely a channel of mass appeal that tends to attract an audience with an average age the other side of 35, we decided the best home for Please Like Me was ABC2."

Thomas isn't convinced.

"They told me it (the switch to ABC2) was a compliment. I don't believe them," Thomas says. "I don't know if what they were really saying was, 'Josh the show is a bit s---' or, 'Josh the show has too much suicide and gay sex in it'.

"People have suggested to me that (too gay) is why they did it (put it on ABC2). I would be shocked if that's why but I also wouldn't be."

If Thomas is right, this wouldn't be the first time networks have become squeamish about gay content.

In 2009, Aussie Melissa George played bisexual intern Dr Sadie Harris on Grey's Anatomy.

There was speculation her character would have a full-blown screen romance with Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez). The show's creator, Shonda Rhimes, changed tack after George started filming. George initially signed for between eight and 11 episodes, but finished early.

Her exit followed that of Brooke Smith, who played lesbian Dr Erica Hahn in the medical drama. Smith was dropped after her character consummated her relationship with Callie.

Gay lobby group, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, expressed its concern about the short-lived nature of the Callie-Erica storyline, which initially had been hailed as a breakthrough for mainstream American television.

That same year, Channel 7 censored a lesbian kiss between policewoman Charlie Buckton (Esther Anderson) and deckhand Joey Collins (Katie Bell) in Home and Away.

Seven's decision came after complaints about the lesbian storyline from conservative lobby groups.

"The plot lines that young kids and teenagers should be presented with should be about really authentic relationships that are not just sexualised," Pro-Family Perspectives director Angela Conway said.

Anderson had said she had no problem with the scene.

"I don't think it's like I'm lifting the lid on something they don't already know about," Anderson said. "To me, there's no difference love's love."

US producers have used the controversy surrounding lesbian kissing scenes to boost ratings in TV shows. First there was Amanda Donohoe and Michele Green in LA Law, then Jennifer Aniston's Rachel kissing Winona Ryder's Melissa on Friends and Mischa Barton going girl-on-girl in The O.C.

In the late '70s, Billy Crystal played gay son Jodie Dallas on Soap, but he later admitted to early misgivings about taking the role.

In 1997, comedian Ellen DeGeneres went public with her homosexuality on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

There was an early backlash but DeGeneres is now one of the most successful and admired women on American television.

Number 96's gay lawyer Don Finlayson (Joe Hasham) was a groundbreaking character on Australian TV. Water Rats featured another notable gay character, Sgt Helen Blakemore (Toni Scanlan).

Neighbours introduced gay character Chris Pappas (James Mason) in 2011. To its credit, the Ten soapie didn't use Chris's sexuality to shock.

This was no cynical ratings grab. Instead, the soapie dug deeper to show that Chris's sexuality was only one aspect of his personality.

"The good thing about Chris is that he is an ordinary person who is a mechanic and happens to be gay," Mason has said.




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没想到这个清新温暖治愈的故事拍摄地竟然在猫本,好喜欢Josh萌萌的澳洲口音还有他的心态,六集看下来真的觉得蛮美好的。。也不知道会不会有第二季了,不过会一直持续关注Josh Thomas这个人的。

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4星半 突然发现散漫的结构+轻戏剧性完全是我的那杯茶 看似零碎的故事和时而蹦出的精妙台词 有些设定虽然解释不通 Geo这么就会喜欢上Josh呢 但一切又不疾不徐地发展得合乎情理 Josh对Geo确实没那么动情 他懒散被动自私逆来顺受缺乏判决力又害怕寂寞 可我又在Josh身上看到无数自己的影子 才觉得格外贴切

  • 凹凸
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好喜欢Geoffrey!!!好可爱!!!傻傻的!!!Josh真令人讨厌!Geoffrey deserves a better man!这个就这么结束了?!G做了一个还算明智的选择!

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  • Pius
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又可爱又真实 又好笑又伤感。请拍第二季!!!!!!!!!快点拍快点拍快点拍(敲碗~~~)!!!!!josh和geo请在一起!!!在一起在一起在一起(敲碗~~~)!!!!!!姐姐告诉乃们!乃们这个样子是做不了朋友的!!!!!!

  • 💈喝点中药💈
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amazing! 前三集又软又萌后三集笑点泪点萌点虐点大乱炖 josh太棒!

  • <-这样FAN
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  • 恶隐息烙
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All I want to have and want to be. Josh Thomas自编自演的这部剧很容易让人想起Simon Amstell的在外婆家,希望也能像在外婆家一样推出第二季。

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